

Showing posts with label Data Structure and Algorithms. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Data Structure and Algorithms. Show all posts

Computer (Data Structure 1)

Computer (Data Structure 1)

Q-1 A value or set of values is called-------?
(a) File (b) Entity (c) Data (d) Key

Q-2 A data item in a record that takes unique values and can be used to distinguish
a record from other record is called---------?
(a) Key (b) Information
(c) Data time (d) Record

Q-3 What is information?
(a) Set of values (b) A processed data
(c) A collection of record (d) None of these

Q-4 Which amongst the following is definition of record?
(a) A collection of similar entities (b) A collection of related records
(c) A collection of related items (d) None of these

Q-5 A collection of values and a set of operations that act on those values is called---------?
(a) Abstract data type (b) Primitive data type
(c) Polymorphic (d) Data type

Q-6 A primitive data type is a data type that is--------?
(a) Predefined (b) Post defined
(c) Abstract (d) None of these

Q-7 The pre defined data type is also known as--------?
(a) Set of values (b) Built – in data type
(c) Polymorphic (d) Abstract data type

Q-8 A data type that is organized in such a way that the specification of the values and
the specification of the operation on those values are separated from the
representation of the values and the implementation of the operation is called-------?
(a) Primitive data type (b) Polymorphic data type
(c) Abstract data type (d) None of these

Q-9 What is a list?
(a) A collection of record which can be ordered or unordered
(b) A collection of data type which can be ordered or unordered
(c) A collection of different values
(d) A collection of elements which can be ordered or unordered

Q-10 ---------- Is important because it supplies two essential pieces of information.
(a) Data typing (b) Data hiding
(c) Data typing (d) None of these

Q-11 A data structure is a ---------of a particular organization of data.
(a) Algorithm (b) Logical model
(c) Analytical (d) None of these

Q-12 What is a linear data structure?
(a) The records form a sequence (b) The files form a sequence
(c) The elements from a sequence (d) The logic form a sequence

Q-13 A list of finite number of elements of same data type is called-----------?
(a) Arrays (b) Data type
(c) Record of file (d) None of these

Q-14 -------- that requires only one index to access an individual element of the array?
(a) Two-dimensional array (b) One- dimenstrional array
(c) Multi dimensional array (d) Single ten arrays

Q-15 A linked list is a liner collection of data elements is----?
(a) Array (b) Station
(c) nodes (d) None of these

Q-16 In liner linked list each node is dinded into how many parts?
(a) 5 (b) 4
(c) 3 (d) 2

Q-17 In liner linked list first part contains the information of the element and second
called------ contains the address of the node in the list?
(a) The linked field or next pointer field (b) The pervious pointer field
(c) The information of the element (d) None of these
Q-18 In doubly linked list each node is dinded in to how many parts?
(a) 4 (b) 3
(c) 5 (d) 6

Q-19 LIFO stands for-------?
(a) Left-in-first-off (b) Long- inbox- from- on
(c) Last-in-first-out (d) Last-in-from-open
Q-20 What is a stack?
(a) LIFO (b) FILO
(c) LOFT (d) FOLI

Q-21 FIFO stands for---------?
(a) First-out-first-in (b) First-inner-from-out
(c) First-inter-for-offer (d) First-in-first-out

Q-22 A data structure that represents hierarchical relationship between various elements
is called?
(a) Trees (b) Queues
(c) Heaps (d) Shape

Q-23 How many children are there in a binary tree?
(a) 3 (b) 2
(c) 4 (d) 5

Q-24 Finding the location of a given element is called----?
(a) Sorting (b) Deletion
(c) Searching (d) In serration

Q-25 Combining the elements of two similar sorted structures in to a single structure
are called------?
(a) Traversal (b) Heaps
(c) Sorting (d) Merging

Answers With Reasons:-

1 (c) Data
2 (a) Key
3 (b) A processed data
4 (c) A collection of related items
5 (d) Data type
6 (a) Predefined
7 (b) Built – in data type
8 (c) Abstract data type
9 (d) A collection of elements which can be ordered
10 (a) Data typing
11 (b) Logical model
12 (b) Logical model
13 (a) Arrays
14 (b) One- dimensional array
15 (c) Nodes
16 (d) 2
17 (a) The linked field or next pointer field
18 (b) 3
19 (c) Last-in-first-out
20 (a) LIFO
21 (d) First-in-first-out
22 (a) Trees
23 (b) 2
24 (c) Searching
25 (d) Merging

G. K. (Computer Fundamental)

G. K. (Computer Fundamental)

Find out from the following which is correct option

Q-1 Which of the following was first Generation computer?

(c) FECNIA (d) None of these

Q-2 When was the first Generation computer started?

(a) 1925- 1935 (b) 1935 – 1945
(c) 1945- 1955 (d) 1955- 1965

Q-3 Which was the first commercial computer?

(c) UNIVAC (D) None of these

Q-4 HLL stands for….

(a) High Lead Language (b) Hyper Lead Language
(c) High Level Language (d) None of these

Q-5 A light sensitive photoelectric cell to signal screen position to the computer is called………….

(a) Key board (b) Mouse
(c) Light Pen (d) Printer

Q-6 When was abacus computer developed?

(a) 1350 B. C. (b) 1450 B. C.
(c) 1550 B. C. (d) 1750 B. C.

Q-7 Which amongst the following country was developing abacus computer in B. C.?

(a) USA (b) UK
(c) India (d) China

Q-8 Who was invented Logarithms, the Second Invention Computer?

(a) Johan Napier (b) Johan Dupe
(c) Blaisse Napier (d) None of these

Q-9 In which of the following year pascal’s Calculator the Adding Machine was invented?

(a) 1542 A. D. (b) 1642 A. D.
(c) 1742 A. B. (d) None of these

Q-10 How many rows and columns in punch cards?

(a) 10 Rows and 60 Columns (b) 12 Rows and 75 Columns
(c) 12 Rows and 80 Columns (d) 15 Rows and 80 Columns

Q-11 The father of modern computer is ………

(a) Blaisse Pascal (b) Charles Napier
(c) Charles Marie (d) Charles Babbage

Q-12 Who was called the first computer Programmer?

(a) Lady Ada Lovelace (b) Lady Aiken
(c) Lady John von (d) None of these

Q-13 When was the machine language developed for the computer?

(a) 1812- 1860 (b) 1815 – 1864
(c) 1817 – 1870 (d) 1820- 1880

Q-14 Which of the following Machine language developed by George Boole?

(a) Abstract Algebra (b) Linear Algebra
(c) Boolean Algebra (d) Modern Algebra

Q-15 EDSACC electronic Delayed storage and calculation in 1947A.D. developed by which University

(a) Harvard University USA (b) Pennsylvania University USA
(c) Oxford University London (d) Cambridge University London

Q-16 An electronic circuitry “Flip- Flops’ the basic unit of computer circuiting – developed by…

(a) Ada Lovelace (b) F. W. Jordan & W. H.Eccles
(c) Ada and George Boole (d) None of these

Q-17 ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator) was built by ……….

(a) W. H. Eccles and Presper (b) Presper Eckert and George Boole
(c) John Mauchly & Presper Eckert (d) None of these

Q-18 Who built harved Mark I computer with IBM and no sooner did the first computer ENIAC come in the market?

(a) Howard Aiken (b) Alan Turing
(c) George Boole (d) Johnson Neumann

Q-19 Which of the following generation computers had semi-conductors doped with impurities, better known as the transistors?

(a) First generation computers (b) Second generation computers
(c) Third generation computers (d) None of these

Q-20 Electronic circuits called integrated chips which had transistors closely packed on thin wafers used in ........................

(a) First generation computers (b) Second generation computers
(c) Third generation computers (d) Fourth generation computers

Q-21 How many types of storage media used in a computer system?

(a) Two types (b) Three types
(c) Four types (d) Five types

Q-22 Which amongst the following is extremely fast storage medias and on chip memory that is adjacent to the micro- Processor?

(a) Hard dick (b) Main Memory
(c) Registers (d) None of these

Q-23 FEP stands for……………

(a) FORTRAN English Protocol (b) Front End Processor
(c) Formula of English Principal (d) None of these

Q-24 What is the full form of PDA?

(a) Personal Difference Assistant
(b) Protocol Deformation Assistant
(c) Personal Digital Assistant
(d) Palmtops Digital Apple

Q-25 EBCDIC stands for…………………….

(a) Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code
(b) Extended Basic Coding Decode Information Code
(c) Extended Binary Coding Decode Interchange Code
(d) None of these

Answers With Reasons:

1 (b) ENIAC
2 (c) 1945- 1955
4(c) High Level Language
5 (c) Light Pen
6(b) 1450 B. C.
7 (d) China
8(a) Johan Napier
9(b) 1642 A. D.
10 (c) 12 Rows and 80 Columns
11(d) Charles Babbage
12(a) Lady Ada Lovelace
13(b) 1815 – 1864
14(c) Boolean Algebra
15(d) Cambridge University London
16(b) F. W. Jordan & W. H. Eccles
17(c) John Mabuchi &Presper Ecker
18(a) Howard Aiken
19(b) Second generation computers
20(c) Third generation computers
21(b) Three types
22(c) Registers
23(b) Front End Processor
24(c) Personal Digital Assistant
25(a) Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code

Computer (Data structure & Algorithms) 3

Computer (Data structure & Algorithms) 3

Q-1 The process of visiting each element of the array exactly once is called ………..
(a) Analysis traversal operation (b) Traversal operation
(c) Search operation (d) Linear search operation

Q-2 How many types of approaches to search operations?
(a) 2 (b) 3
(c) 4 (d) 5

Q-3 Which amongst the following are approaches used to search operations?
(a) Linear search (b) Binary search
(c) Both a & b (d) None of these

Q-4 Which of the following search traverses a sequentially to locate items?
(a) Binary search (b) Logical search
(c) Search field (d) Linear search

Q-5 The operation of adding an element to existing list of elements is called……………..
(a) Insert operation (b) Analysis of binary search
(c) Sorted operation (d) None of these

Q-6 The process of arranging the element of the array in some logical order is called……………..
(a) Delete operation (b) Sort operation
(c) Insert operation (d) None of these

Q-7 The process of combining the elements of two similar structures into a single structure is…………
(a) Bubble sort (b) Sort operation
(c) Merge operation (d) Insert operation

Q-8 A list of a finite number m ´ n of homogeneous data elements is called…………
(a) Linear array (b) Multi dimensional array
(c) Single array (d) Two-dimensional array

Q-9 Matrices are often used to organize data for business and………
(a) Fortran language (b) Scientific applications
(c) Binary coding (d) None of these

Q-10 An square matrix has the same number of rows and columns is called………
(a) Diagonal matrix (b) Single matrix
(c) Special matrices (d) Equal matrices

Q-11 How many types of linked list defined in data structures & algorithms?
(a) 5 (b) 3 (c) 6 (d) 4

Q-12 Which of the following types are used in programming construct?
(a) Linear linked list (b) Doubly linked list
(c) Circular linked (d) All the above

Q-13 How many ways a linear linked list can be traversed?
(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 5

Q-14 Which amongst the following ways can be traversed on linear linked list?
(a) In-order traversal (b) Reverse-order traversal
(c) Both a & b (d) None of these

Q-15 Traverse the list from the beginning and compare each element of the list with the given element, to be searched is called………..
(a) Sorted list (b) Linear list
(c) Linked list (d) unsorted list

Q-16 In ……………..we need the location of the element & the location of the preceding element.
(a) Auxiliary search (b) Unsorted search
(c) Sorted search (d) None of these

Q-17 How many pointer fields are used in reversing a list?
(a) 4 (b) 3
(c) 2 (d) 1

Q-18 Which of the following fields are used in reversing a list?
(a) Previous (b) Current
(c) Next (d) All of these

Q-19 Deleting entire list can be accomplished by performing which of the following steps?
(a) Assign the start pointer to a temporary variable
(b) Advance the start pointer to the next node
(c) Deallocate the memory occupied by the node pointed to by p t r.
(d) All of these

Q-20 A linear linked list, except that the last element points to the first element is called………
(a) Circular linked list (b) Doubly linked list
(c) Both a & b (d) None of these

Q-21 A linked list which always contains a special node is called………
(a) Circular linked list (b) Header node
(c) Doubly linked list (d) Linear linked list

Q-22 To produce the addition of polynomials which of the following steps to be performed?
(a) The terms of the polynomials are scanned from left to right
(b) The terms with powers that occurs only in one polynomials are simply copied into
resulting polynomial.
(c) The coefficients of terms with same powers are added and then the new term is copied
into the resulting polynomial.
(d) All of these

Q-23 Inserting at the end of the list is done by performing which of the following steps?
(a) Assign NULL value to the next pointer field of the new node.
(b) Assign address of the new node to start.
(c) Both a & b
(d) None of these

Q-24 Deleting an element of the list is done by performing which of the following positions?
(a) At the beginning of the list
(b) At the end of the list
(c) After a given element
(d) All of these

Q-25 ………..Are lists whose element are ordered according to the time when they are added to them?
(a) Stacks and queues (b) Stacks and arrays
(c) Queues and arrays (d) Stacks and linked list


1(b) Traversal operation
2(a) 2
3(c) Both a & b
4(d) Linear search
5(a) Insert operation
6(b) Sort operation
7 (c) Merge operations
8(d) Two-dimensional array
9(b) scientific applications
10(c) Special matrices
11(d) 4
12(d) All the above
13(a) 2
14(c) Both a & b
15(d) unsorted list
16(a) Auxiliary search
17(b) 3
18(d) All of these
19(d) All of these
20(a) Circular linked list
21(b) Header node
22(d) All of these
23(c) Both a & b
24(d) All of these
25(a) Stacks and queues
